The Process
Step 1 Discussions with team on user needs for 2 types of users– mentors and
This was extremely important as it greatly affected how the database would be created. We wanted to keep it
uncomplicated to keep release time quick.
Step 2 Discussions on user behaviors guided the creation of the wireframe.
Step 3 Sketched out layout ideas.
Step 4 Created a wireframe in Whimsical.
Step 5 Started design with a UI template creating:
color palette,
form elements,
button styles,
card layouts,
shadow styles, and a
nav bar.
Step 6 Started designing the app based on the above information.
Step 7 Worked with variables set in the style guide, making updates when
Step 8 Worked on clickable prototype in Figma
Step 9 Gathered feedback and made changes.
Step 10 Product is being coded with React and Ruby on Rails at the moment.
Color Studies from early on in the design
We were not planning on using photographs, so I wanted to keep the colors fun and lively to draw users
into the product. Used UI, Google's Material Design Color Tool and MyMind for color inspiration.
Product Pitch and User Stories
The product was defined and user stories were written to guide in the development of the product.
Primary actions for the 2 types of users– mentors
and mentees
User journeys were written based on conclusions from the product pitch and user stories. These were used
to make an initial wireframe.
Wireframe based on the defined user journey
The wireframes were reviewed by the developers planning on working on the project. There were compromises
made in some areas in order to keep the initial code uncomplicated.